"hope is lost forever, hey!"
i know i'm not much of a dancer.
but damn, some songs have that jiggle-your-butt-around beat.
...not that i'm..uh, jiggling.
current song: she wants to move - n.e.r.d
beat it!
i have basically 5 kinds of music that i listen to.
a) mellow
sad times call for sad, sad, sappy songs.
don't talk to me when i'm in this mood, i'm generally a pain in the ass emo.
songs like: emotion by destiny's child's, vienna by billy joel, walking by by holiday parade and box car racer's i feel so. god i'm so beremosi. hahaha.
b) dancy pants
in this mood, i song a lot.
and dance around a lot.
and a lot of weird jerky movements going on.
air guitar is implemented. oh no.
this is my "girls just wanna have fun" mood.
songs like: she likes to move by n.e.r.d, cookie jar by gym class heroes, the dark of the matinee by franz ferdinand, head automatica stuff, and frank sinatra's awesome mambo italiano. :P
c) bang head here
this is when i release tension. let out steam. scream the eff out.
hells yeah.
well some of my songs may not be headbangin' enough for you, but i loves them a lot. hee.
songs like: godspeed by anberlin, anything by billy talent, pain by jimmy eat world (i try but it shows), and this cocaine makes me feel like i'm on this song by s.o.a.d haha.
d) i feel smart
hah. i have this weird mood where i feel really well...not smart actually, but deep.
so i listen to all these meaningful songs with great lyrics with big words that i pretend to understand. haha.
songs like: ANYTHING by switchfoot, really. and john meyer. and owl city's pretty good, but my brother says the guy adam sounds gay. hoh.
e) on top of the world
when i'm feeling stupidly positive.
really, i have really weird mood swings. pms slalu kot.
songs like: cochise by audioslave, paramore's ignorance, feel good inc by gorillaz (i'm weird like that), and montreal -40c by malajube which is so friggin cool even though i don't understand a word of french.
except for putain, which you should never repeat to a woman, okay? haha.
guh. what a random post i have here.
i have more to add tapi dah terlampau malas dah. :P
leverage is awesome btw. go watch it, wicked series.
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